Digital Transformation – Statistics, Key Components, Strategies, Challenges & More

Digital Transformation

Updated on August 6, 2024

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Their digital transformation strategies generated over 66% more value, according to research that evaluated these tactics in various firms. Additionally, it contributed to the enhanced corporate capabilities by 82%. However, as per prior studies, there is a startling conclusion. 70% of digital transformation initiatives did not work out. The companies needed almost three years to find their footing. Here are the main causes of their failures on the route of digital transformation.

Digital Transofrmation Solutions

If a company or business wants to go digital, there is a rational procedure to be followed. Understanding the right places to hit is the first step to success. Things fall into place when businesses realize what needs to be done. The precise procedures needed to guarantee success are to come next.

Understanding Digital Transformation

The term digital transformation is broad. It has several facets. Predominantly, digital transformation means the way an organization operates. It is crucial for companies to compete digitally to survive. It includes many elements, such as:

  • Adoption of cloud services for flexible IT resources.
  • Strengthening security measures for data privacy.
  • Implementation of AI and machine learning to automate processes and improve customer experiences.
  • Adopting digital platforms such as mobile apps, responsive websites, and customer portals with the help of a reliable website development company.
  • Utilizing digital channels, social media, and analytics to engage customers and reach more.
  • Embracing mobile technologies to meet the growing demands.

Well, the term digital transformation has been evolving for decades now. Digital transformation is not complete without use of cloud computing, cybersecurity, automation and robotics, big data and analytics, and SEO services. When organizations embrace digital transformation, especially digital marketing or website development, their primary goal is to engage customers, grow sales and increase profit; also they intend to automate their processes, embrace technology and achieve an edge over others. However, they may fail to achieve the same.

Top Reasons Why Digital Transformation May Not Work

  • Missing the mark by not aligning business architecture with customer needs.
  • A lack of shared organizational goal.
  • Getting lost in details with excessive focus on microprocesses.
  • Leadership void in managing digital transformation.
  • Delayed start with no early MVP for project success.
  • Team not truly ready for change to be implemented.
  • Insufficient investment in employee training.
  • IT infrastructure is inadequate enough to support digital transformation.
  • Skill shortages within the team.
  • Ignoring people and processes, crucial to digital transformation.
  • Failure to overcome pitfalls that hinder the process.

Digital Transofrmation Journey

Best Practices for Digital Transformation for Small and Medium-sized Businesses

Cloud Computing

Moving to the cloud is a crucial part of digital transformation. By the year 2026, the cloud computing market is expected to reach a value of $947.3 billion. The market is likely to surpass $1 trillion by 2028, as per research. More than 90% of the organizations today utilize the cloud as a part of their holistic digital transformation strategy. Small and medium-sized companies are adopting cloud computing fast due to several reasons:

  • Increases gross margins, with the SaaS companies having the highest margins while small and medium businesses enjoy notable gains.
  • Generates more revenue while unlocking additional streams. According to a survey, a business must have a minimum of 60% of its total workload in the cloud for noteworthy financial gains.
  • Reduces time to market. According to the research, 65% of organizations admitted that they were able to bring their services or products to market more quickly than before with cloud computing.
  • Reduces startup costs, as confirmed by 94% of IT professionals according to a survey, with the focus being shifted from capital expenditure to operating expenditure. This freed up resources for other areas of business.
  • Security is the biggest benefit of cloud computing for today’s businesses. The cloud supports automation that reduces human errors and thus possibilities of security breaches.
  • Supports business resilience. Businesses that use cloud computing might be able to address disaster recovery issues in an average of 2.1 hours, compared to 7 to 8 hours for entities that do not use the cloud.
  • Many organizations have admitted the fact that they migrated to the cloud for greater flexibility, especially the ability to scale resources up or down as required. Cost management is also a crucial benefit.
  • The cloud computing helps environmentally conscious brands reduce their carbon emissions by up to 84%, especially in the case of moving to Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).

Digital Marketing

Nowadays, your customers and prospects like to engage with businesses online. Hence, digital marketing is important more than ever. Even traditional stores must create social media accounts to keep sharing information about latest products, discounts and deals and engaging customers. Many brands launch their own websites and redesign the same to make sure all pages are optimized correctly. This is also to reduce bounce rates and provide a seamless user experience to all site visitors, irrespective of the device they are using.

  • The global market for digital advertising and marketing is expected to grow from its projected $667 billion in 2024 to $786.2 billion by 2026.
  • According to a survey, nearly 63% of businesses increased their digital marketing budgets in 2024.
  • The effectiveness of online advertising is embraced by many brands, with digital ads having the potential to increase brand awareness by 80%.
  • There is a debate over the relevance of SEO. According to a survey, many businesses had admitted that organic search brought them incredible ROI. From big to small companies, all are heavily investing in SEO because only a small group of people, 25% of the online users, are likely to go to the second page on Google. From voice search to local searches for a product or service, the number of people using Google to look for specific services or products is increasing massively.
  • Today, over 91% of businesses utilize social media. They are active on Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms. The social media market is expected to be worth almost $256 billion by 2028.
  • The equal emphasis shall be put on websites. Today, nearly 50% of consumers want the websites to load in a couple of seconds or less. A vast majority of website traffic comes from mobile. Hence, the website development should focus on delivering the best user experience. Hire a professional website development company.
  • Video marketing and AR/VR are an integral part of digital marketing. This is because consumers are more likely to open mobile messages than emails.


Digital transformation without cyber security can be dangerous. When businesses transition from manual processes to digital ones, they need to remain more agile with robust security measures. Hackers are more likely to target small and medium-sized businesses. This is mainly because such organizations are vulnerable due to a lack of proper digital transformation in place. They need to protect their customer data and also safeguard their privacy. Therefore, it is vital to implement the right cybersecurity system. Some of the crucial steps include updating software regularly, implementing multifactor authentication, etc. Likewise, organizations must invest in regular and comprehensive employee training to make them aware of the best cyber security practices. An employee who considers it his or her prime responsibility to make every possible effort to protect sensitive data is a real asset. Cybersecurity is the groundwork to be laid for successful digital transformation.

  • With businesses moving towards integrated security solutions, “no trust” security models are more likely to rise. These models verify users and devices on a network, thereby allowing organizations to manage their risks more effectively.
  • Zero trust architecture too enhances security by enforcing various security protocols at different levels. It grants access only to those devices and users that are verified.
  • With cyber threats getting more complex, machine learning and AI contribute too by analyzing data to identify patterns of threats. These technologies offer a proactive advantage to organizations, such as informed security decisions, continuous monitoring, etc.

Agile Methods

Agile methodologies are key to successful digital transformation. Organizations need to evaluate their existing digital transformation initiatives or smaller steps as part of a broad spectrum and make modifications if needed. Here, it is paramount to take controlled risks while still experimenting with various strategies and thus innovate. Agile methods, if implemented and sustained well, can strengthen the market position of small and medium-sized companies.
For Agile transformation, you can follow these principles:

  • Clear vision to identify possibilities of new technologies and also understand their limits. Measuring progress and improving customer outcomes are important too.
  • Customers prefer personalized experiences. Businesses can sell their products online through various digital channels and satisfy the expectations of customers who prefer to buy online. Using AI chatbots can help automate experiences.
  • Selecting the right digital platforms after evaluating your budgets and needs is an important step.
  • Organizations must strongly focus on building a robust foundation with data-driven decisions. This requires them to collect accurate data from different reliable sources and evaluate it. They can make necessary modifications or change dimensionality while also gaining insights through analysis.

Newest Digital Transformation Trends

As organizations are primarily focused on improving connected user experiences through mobile services, various messaging platforms, well-optimized websites, social media marketing, and digital marketing, they need to follow the latest trends in the field of digital transformation. This will help them to achieve consistency across different channels, and personalize not only business processes but also customer services. Some of the latest trends include:

  • ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning, which helps build a new workplace culture by optimizing resource utilization and increasing productivity. It also facilitates well-managed costs.
  • Another important trend is multi-cloud environments that help enhance cloud security, and also bring in containerization to address compliance aspects in overall cloud setups.

Final Thoughts

For successful digital transformation, every small and medium-sized enterprise must understand the pitfalls, follow the best practices, utilize the right tools to streamline their processes, and embrace agile methods. Following these practices, principles, and suggestions will help businesses streamline their operations. One of the biggest advantages is the improved customer engagement, improved productivity, data-driven decisions, efficient business processes and a competitive edge. For more specifics on why small and medium-sized businesses should invest in digital transformation, seek expert guidance.

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