Google Core Update For May 2020 Rolling Out

Updated on May 11, 2020

News & Events Website

This is the second core update of the year 2020 by Google

Google announced rolling out a new core update for May 2020. This is the 2nd core update rolling out to the year 2020, the 1st one was the January 2020 core update.

Google Volatility Core Update

We can already see that this latest Google May 2020 Core Update appears to be a pretty big one. As the world’s volatility skyrocketing, the newest Google Core Update seems to bring unprecedented SERP volatility as well.

In the past, Google has released core algorithm updates every few months or so. It was just a bit over 3 months ago since the January core update was released.

According to Google “we are releasing a comprehensive core algorithm update, as we do several times per year. It is called the May 2020 core update. Our guidance about such updates remains as we have covered before.

Whenever Google updates its search ranking algorithms, it means that your site can do good or worse in the search engine results. Knowing when Google makes these following updates give us something to point to in order to understand if it was something you changed on your website or something Google changed with its ranking algorithm.

Google Traffic Algo

Pages that drop after a core update doesn’t have anything wrong to fix. Google Said, we understand those who do less well after a core update change may still feel they need to do something. We suggest you focus on making sure that you are offering the best content. That’s what our algorithms seek to reward.