Mobile-Friendly Websites And Mobile App – Learning The Differences Along With Pros And Cons For E-Commerce

e-commers website pros & cons

Updated on August 2, 2022

Mobile App Development

Choosing the Right E-commerce Website Development Service

E-commerce websites are online platforms that allow businesses to sell products and services directly to customers. Here are some of the E-Commerce pros & cons:

E-Commerce Pros & Cons


  1. Convenience: E-commerce websites are open 24/7 and customers can shop from anywhere at any time.
  2. Reach: An e-commerce website has a global reach, allowing businesses to sell their products to customers around the world.
  3. Cost-effective: Setting up and running an e-commerce website is generally less expensive than setting up a physical store.
  4. Data collection: E-commerce websites can collect valuable data on customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history, which can help businesses make informed decisions.
  5. Marketing opportunities: E-commerce websites offer a range of marketing opportunities, such as email marketing, social media marketing, and search engine optimization.


  1. Competition: E-commerce is a highly competitive industry, with many businesses vying for customers’ attention.
  2. Shipping and handling: Shipping and handling can be a challenge for e-commerce businesses, especially for heavy or fragile items.
  3. Customer service: Providing good customer service can be difficult for e-commerce businesses, especially when it comes to handling returns and complaints.
  4. Technical difficulties: E-commerce websites can be subject to technical difficulties, such as website crashes or slow load times, which can negatively impact the customer experience.
  5. Security concerns: Online transactions can be vulnerable to fraud and hacking, which can be a major concern for customers.

In conclusion, E-Commerce pros & cons websites have the potential to offer many benefits to businesses, but they also come with their own set of challenges. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully before deciding to launch an e-commerce website.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the shopping sector completely. Since 2020, globalized e-commerce sales have had a stable growth trajectory, and it has raised from $4.2 to an estimated $5.5 this year. Online retailers have already increased their share of the total retail sales. They accounted for around 20.3% of all retail spending in 2022.

As consumers are focusing more on online shopping these days, businesses are looking forward to the Best mobile app development company for help, like Webdecorum. Now, what kind of branding are you looking for? Is your main focus relies on the mobile website for your e-commerce business or a mobile app? Understanding the differences and the benefits each sector holds will provide you with the best solution ever.

Benefits of E-Commerce Development

E-commerce website development services provide businesses with the resources and expertise needed to build and launch an online store. Here are some of the key benefits of working with an e-commerce website development service:

  1. Customization: E-commerce website development services can create a custom online store tailored to the unique needs and preferences of a business.
  2. Expertise: E-commerce website development services have the expertise and experience needed to build an online store that is both user-friendly and secure.
  3. Scalability: E-commerce website development services can create an online store that can scale to meet the growing needs of a business, whether that’s in terms of products, customers, or sales.
  4. Integration: E-commerce website development services can integrate the online store with other systems, such as inventory management, shipping and handling, and payment processing, to create a seamless and efficient shopping experience.
  5. Ongoing support: E-commerce website development services can provide ongoing support and maintenance for the online store, ensuring that it remains up-to-date and secure.

When choosing an e-commerce website development service, it’s important to look for one that has a strong track record of delivering high-quality and effective online stores. This includes looking for a service that has experience working with businesses in your industry and one that has a strong portfolio of successful projects.

In conclusion, working with an e-commerce website development service can provide businesses with the resources and expertise needed to launch a successful online store. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand your existing online presence, an e-commerce website development service can help you achieve your goals.

The current phenomenon:

The present phenomenon of mobile shopping is known as m-commerce. It has already entered the retail world and dented it to some extent. It has taken up around 5.9% of the total e-commerce sales in 2021. The rate further states that the growing number of businesses is likely to complement the user’s journey with either an adaptive website or a mobile application experience.

Due to the shifting trends, there is one major question that seems to pop up in your mind the most. Do you need to build a standalone mobile app for an e-commerce business or do you have to focus on an adaptive website to serve the mobile user cohort?

The difference that lies between an app and a mobile website:

Before you precede further to get your hands on the app development services from Webdecorum , learning about the differences between an app and a mobile website is a necessity these days.

As per some surveys made, the mobile share of web traffic globally has risen over the past 10 years. In February 2022, there was more than 57% of web traffic that came from mobile users. So, most retailers will catch up with this trend well by presenting two mobile shopping experiences – mobile apps and mobile-friendly websites.

some basic principles for mobile app & mobile web


More on the mobile-friendly website:

  • It is targeted to be an adaptable website, which is optimized for multiple devices.
  • Whether it is a smartphone, PC, or even a tablet, a website offers the same experience for all of them.
  • There is always an adaptive web solution to allow users to browse the items without zooming.
  • A mobile-friendly website will not include any added steps to place than the order in the main version.
  • These websites will identify the resolutions or the screen and users’ device orientation and then will adjust the layout to facilitate shopping.
  • These are accessed through web browsers on the smartphone.

Mobile applications:

  • These mobile applications are not going to use web browsers, on the other hand.
  • These are mainly targeted as standalone applications, which will be downloaded and then installed on your smartphones and other mobile devices.
  • You have the e-commerce native mobile solutions, which will help the users to access retailers quickly.
  • It will include extra features, which are designed exclusively for mobile users.

Understanding the main differences between these two options before finalizing your goal is indeed a necessity. Next time you have successfully made plans to get hold of mobile app development services, make sure to get in touch with the right team from Webdecorum for help. You won’t regret making this decision!

preferences app vs. mobile site


The difference to follow:

Understanding the differences between a mobile-friendly website and a mobile app is really important. The points are mentioned below for your reference.

  • Under the accessibility notion, mobile web is available on browsers, and the app is available only after being downloaded.
  • Mobile websites will need an internet connection and the mobile apps can be made reachable offline as well.
  • Under functionality, mobile web has a limited function or as same as the main website. But, the mobile app is created with unique ideas for mobile.
  • There are adaptive layouts for the mobile web for different devices. But in terms of the mobile app, there is a platform-limited layout for solely mobile experiences.
  • There are push notifications available for mobile apps, but you can’t say the same for the mobile web.
  • Finally, there is no app marketplace available on the mobile web. But, there is availability on Google Play or App Store in terms of the mobile app.

Apart from all the technical specifications available, the mobile-first websites and the mobile apps will deliver multiple pros and cons for the retailers to follow.

mobile apps revenue, 2014-2023

E-commerce mobile-first websites:

Adaptable websites have been the industry standard for online presence and were pushed in 2015 by Google. Mobile-friendly websites have some core differentiators to help set them apart from mobile-avert online sectors.

  • Mobile first websites have a responsive design with adjustable layouts
  • Web experience needs to be consistent and unified with a mobile experience
  • Mobile-friendly websites will provide ultimate convenience to the consumers with an optimized version of the user experience.

With a mobile-friendly website, you will enjoy a streamlined experience on the web and mobile, and with a broader reach. It helps in boosting sales with less investment and improves customer satisfaction rate. But, on the other hand, the mobile-friendly website is unavailable offline and has a poorer user experience.

Now for e-commerce mobile apps:

In 2020, about half of retailers prioritized mobile app experience, and it was very successful. Big retailers like Target and Amazon have mobile apps, and now smaller retailers are catching up.

Right from brand awareness to reduced marketing and advertising costs, mobile apps have a lot of features to venture into. It can be accessed offline and comes with added personalization. But, it has some cons to consider as well. The development cost is pretty high and it comes with less visibility rate.

retail e-commerce sales worldwide from 2014 to 2025


The final say:

There needs to be a big balance between mobile-friendly websites and mobile apps, as you need both for a final improvement of your brand. In case you want help from the best Application development company , then Webdecorum seems to be a clever name to trust.

Frequently Asked Questions

[saswp_tiny_multiple_faq headline-0=”h4″ question-0=”What is an e-commerce website development service?” answer-0=”An e-commerce website development service provides businesses with the resources and expertise needed to build and launch an online store.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h4″ question-1=”What are the benefits of working with an e-commerce website development service?” answer-1=”The benefits of working with an e-commerce website development service include customization, expertise, scalability, integration, and ongoing support.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h4″ question-2=”Can an e-commerce website development service create a custom online store for my business?” answer-2=”Yes, e-commerce website development services can create a custom online store tailored to the unique needs and preferences of a business.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h4″ question-3=”How can an e-commerce website development service ensure the security of my online store?” answer-3=”E-commerce website development services have the expertise and experience needed to build an online store that is both user-friendly and secure.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h4″ question-4=”Can an e-commerce website development service integrate my online store with other systems?” answer-4=”Yes, e-commerce website development services can integrate the online store with other systems, such as inventory management, shipping and handling, and payment processing.” image-4=”” headline-5=”h4″ question-5=”What kind of support can I expect from an e-commerce website development service?” answer-5=”E-commerce website development services can provide ongoing support and maintenance for the online store, ensuring that it remains up-to-date and secure.” image-5=”” count=”6″ html=”true”] development services can provide ongoing support and maintenance for the online store, ensuring that it remains up-to-date and secure.

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