Reasons On Why Shopify Is The Best E-Commerce Development Platform

Shopify E-Commerce Development

Updated on July 28, 2022


E-Commerce Development Platform

Everyone is currently going online these days. If you own a brand and want to give it global recognition, you might have to move towards creating an e-commerce development platform for the same. There are so many reliable options to give out a try, like Shopify to Magento, Zen Cart, OpenCart, WooCommerce, Drupal and the list goes on. But, with so many options with the Shopify e-commerce development services and other platforms, it becomes difficult to choose one among the many.

There are some points in this blog from Webdecorum, which will emphasize how the Shopify development seems to be the clever choice to make. So, without wasting time, let’s get on with the details first.

What ideal e-commerce development platform looks like?

Mainly known as an online shopping platform, the e-commerce sector is the most profit-spinning option these days. Here, the concept revolves around anyone shopping from anywhere and anytime.

You don’t have to be a business expert to know how placing your brand online can make it a household name within a fortnight. So, the growth of e-commerce platforms is hard to ignore. Before you work towards getting your hands on the Shopify development company , make sure to understand the essential features of the e-commerce platform. The team from Webdecorum is more than happy to help!

  • The e-commerce platform must have multiple scalable options so that owner can upgrade the store to the next possible level.
  • There need to be proper security features down the line.
  • The chosen design for the website needs to look appealing and also user-friendly, to say the least.
  • You need to offer the most convenient and best payment gateway option through the chosen e-commerce platform.
  • It must have one feature that ends up attracting maximum potential customers towards your side.
  • The chosen e-commerce platform must help customers to purchase services and products in a rather seamless manner.

Features of Shopify


How Shopify seems to be the best match:

Getting hold of potential customers and then generating revenue is not child’s play. There are some things like customer engagement, customer retention and optimization, scalability, SEO, and omnichannel addition, which form some major parts of an e-commerce store.

  • With so many options to choose from, you need to go for the one that works well with your line of action and objectives.
  • But with Shopify web development services by your side, there is no need to look any further for secondary help, that’s for sure!
  • Here, you will get the chance to use Shopify to connect with experienced developers, and they will help you to explore the features to the fullest.

Enjoy easy setup with Shopify:

One of the primary reasons to rely on Shopify, as per the Webdecorum team is that it is pretty easy to use, after setting up. It can work not just for the developers, but for business owners as well.

  • And as Shopify has millions of stores running on it, that says a lot about the credential of this platform without any further explanation needed.
  • After you have set up a Shopify account, to operate and sell products through the store won’t need any technical skills like that.
  • It really does not matter if you are aware of coding knowledge or not. You can always get the rightful assistance from a reputed Shopify development firm like Webdecorum.

The Average Customer Revenue of Shopify Store


Rich in functionality:

Another major aspect of the e-commerce platform is that Shopify presents various functionalities and features. Even after that, the platform will be easier to use. Along with its addition, all the potential and current barriers will be taken complete care of. Some of those issues are:

  • Adding products
  • Handling orders
  • Processing orders
  • Customer records
  • Apps
  • Reports
  • Keeping the store running smoothly

With the Shopify e-commerce platform, you get the chance to take complete care of these problems from the core and need not have to take a second helping hand. For ultimate Shopify development services, the team from Webdecorum is more than happy to be your ultimate guide around here for sure. With 100 premium themes, you get to choose anyone you like.

High-end security at its best:

You must always develop an online store that remains secure, fast, and online always. E-commerce platforms are always dealing with sensitive customer information like credit card details and more. One major reason to rely on Shopify is the reliability and security that this e-commerce developer provides.

  • There is no need to worry about upgrades and maintenance any longer.
  • All the pages are ready to get uploaded quickly and you don’t have to worry about the store
  • All the shopping carts are available, all the time.
  • SSL certificates can always get enabled to encrypt data and pass it through a secured connection.
  • With technical support and top-end servers, the Shopify section will take care of the much-needed PCI Compliance to deal with credit cards.

How Many Shopify Store are there


Ultimate payment gateway help:

With over 100 professional themes, you can enjoy 100+ payment gateway options with Shopify e-commerce platform development. The payment gateway is the last part of the sales process, without which, your purchase remains incomplete.

  • Right from debit cards to credit card usage, COD, wallets, net banking, bank transfers, UPI, PayPal, and more, Shopify is here to support it all.
  • Shopify also has its own payment method, which is powered by Stripe. You can make use of this source as well without any transaction fee.
  • It will also benefit you by lowering your credit card fees. But for using Stripe, there is no need to use any merchant account.

Get the best team from help:

Apart from the points mentioned above, Shopify also provides the ultimate mobile friendliness. Other than that, it supports multiple languages, which makes online shopping a lot easier and fun for people who want to shop using regional languages.

To get the best Shopify e-commerce platform for your brand, rely on the well-trained team of Shopify developers from Webdecorum right away!


What is E-Commerce Development?

E-commerce development refers to the process of building an online store or platform for businesses to sell their products or services to customers over the internet. It involves the creation of an online presence, which includes designing and developing an e-commerce website or application, integrating it with payment gateways and other third-party services, and ensuring that the platform is secure, fast, and easy to use.

The three most important things to know about e-commerce development are:

  1. E-commerce development is essential for businesses looking to expand their reach and tap into new markets. With an online store, businesses can reach customers from all over the world, at any time of the day, and offer a seamless shopping experience that caters to their needs.
  2. E-commerce development requires expertise in various technologies, such as web development, payment gateways, and security protocols. Therefore, businesses should consider partnering with an experienced e-commerce development team to ensure that their platform is built to the highest standards.
  3. The success of an e-commerce platform is dependent on its user experience, including ease of navigation, mobile responsiveness, and overall design. Therefore, businesses should prioritize the user experience when developing their online store and regularly seek feedback from customers to improve it.

What are the benefits of E-Commerce Development?

E-commerce development offers several benefits to businesses, including increased revenue, expanded reach, and improved customer satisfaction. By building an online store, businesses can:

  1. Increase their revenue by offering customers an easy and convenient way to purchase their products or services online. Online stores also offer businesses the opportunity to reduce their overhead costs by eliminating the need for physical storefronts.
  2. Expand their reach by tapping into new markets and customers who may not have access to their products or services otherwise. E-commerce platforms allow businesses to sell their products to customers from all over the world, at any time of the day.
  3. Improve customer satisfaction by offering a seamless and convenient shopping experience that caters to their needs. E-commerce platforms offer customers the ability to browse and purchase products online, track their orders, and receive updates on new products and promotions.

how to develop an e-commerce website?

Developing an e-commerce website involves most popular steps, from planning and design to development and deployment. Here are the top secrete steps to follow:

  1. Plan the website: Determine the website’s purpose, target audience, and desired features. Research competitors and determine the website’s unique selling points.
  2. Choose a platform: Select an e-commerce platform that best fits the business needs and budget. Popular options include Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento.
  3. Select a domain name and hosting: Choose a domain name that reflects the business name and brand. Select a reliable hosting provider that offers fast and secure hosting.
  4. Design the website: Create a website design that aligns with the business’s branding and target audience. Develop a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and use.
  5. Develop the website: Hire an experienced web development team or do it yourself if you have the required technical skills. Use the chosen platform and design to create the website’s pages, features, and functionality.
  6. Test and Launch: Perform testing to ensure the website is functional, secure, and user-friendly. Once it passes all tests, deploy the website on the chosen hosting platform and make it live.

The three most important things to know about developing an e-commerce website are:

  1. Develop a user-friendly website: The website’s user experience is crucial to its success. Ensure the website is easy to navigate, mobile-friendly, and accessible to all users.
  2. Focus on website security: E-commerce websites deal with sensitive customer information, such as payment and personal details. Ensure the website is secure, with features such as SSL certificates, regular software updates, and secure payment gateways.
  3. Prioritize website speed: Website speed is critical to a website’s success. Ensure the website is fast and responsive, with features such as caching, image optimization, and efficient coding.

how to develop E-commerce android app?

Developing an e-commerce Android app involves several steps, from planning and design to development and deployment. Here are the general steps to follow:

  1. Plan the app: Determine the app’s purpose, target audience, and desired features. Research competitors and determine the app’s unique selling points.
  2. Choose a development platform: Select a development platform that best fits the business needs and budget. Popular options include Android Studio, Flutter, and React Native.
  3. Develop the app UI: Create an app design that aligns with the business’s branding and target audience. Develop a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and use.
  4. Integrate app features: Develop the app’s features and functionality, such as shopping cart, product search, and payment integration. Ensure the app’s features align with the website and provide a seamless user experience.
  5. Test and Launch: Perform testing to ensure the app is functional, secure, and user-friendly. Once it passes all tests, deploy the app on the Google Play Store and make it available to users.

The three most important things to know about developing an e-commerce Android app are:

  1. Develop a user-friendly app: The app’s user experience is crucial to its success. Ensure the app is easy to navigate, mobile-friendly, and accessible to all users.
  2. Focus on app security: E-commerce apps deal with sensitive customer information, such as payment and personal details. Ensure the app is secure, with features such as SSL certificates, regular software updates, and secure payment gateways.
  3. Prioritize app performance: App performance is critical to an app’s success. Ensure the app is fast and responsive, with features such as caching, image optimization, and efficient coding.

In addition, it is important to keep the app up-to-date with regular updates and feature enhancements to provide the best possible user experience.

For more information and free consultation, please contact us at or by click here.