
Speak2university is the World’s 1st unbiased (non-agent) and fastest-growing study-abroad counselling portal with top UK universities. Speak2university help students make the right decisions as they are not burdened with commission targets. S2U provides high tech “interactive video” content about universities, courses and scholarships.

Online Education Portal
Study Abroad From UK, Masters in UK for Indian Students, Best MBA Colleges in UK for Indian Students, Best Universities in UK for Indian Students, Cost of Studying in UK for Indian Students, Study in UK for Indian Students After 12th, Eligibility for MBA in UK for Indian Students, Study in UK for Indian Students, Cost of Masters in UK for Indian Students


A major challenge is to provide best online platform for universities as well as students. S2U needed the website to be hosted into the cloud platform so on-premise resources, scalability, and connectivity would not become an issue in the future. The site needs to load as fast and efficiently as possible. Speak2university needed global content intermixed with university-specific content, allowing content like university-specific blog posts to be pushed up to the corporate site and mixed with corporate content. Content on the site needed to be managed by admins within the corporate office as well as content admins from the Work from Home.


Speak2university custom developed more than a dozen different university page components in the MVC development method that provided the S2U sales and marketing team with the ability to easily create more than 85 variances of a page. The marketing team have the ability to manage a set of tools that support modern digital marketing tactics such as content personalisation, lead scoring and advanced analytics.


As a result, Carpetmantra provides fully customized design and easy to use the search functionality to its customers.